
Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Philosophy Part-a-y!

In my experience, (and famously in that of Monty Python's) Philosophers tend to be just as good at partying as they are at thinking. And what would a party be without a good game of Twister!! And look at John Locke cheating by trying to invoke secondary qualities! What a cad! beccaxo

Monday, 7 December 2009

The Gift of Death

here's a Christmas Being and Tim 'based' on Derrida's essay The Gift of Death. I think these would make handy Christmas cards, if you wanted any to send to that special someone, then get in touch at (I haven't worked out how much to charge for them, maybe £1.50 each or something..) ! beccaxo

Friday, 6 November 2009

Notorious B.E.I.N.G

Super Kant!

I kept meaning to re-do this cartoon, so it looked more dc/marvel/film noir- i think if kant had been a super-hero he would have taken the same serious attitude to it as he did to everything else: but hopefully the point comes across anyway! New episodes of Super Kant are on the drawing board, including the feature length motion picture, 'The Return of the Repressed!' beccax

Howling from the Vaults

Just when you thought Being and Tim was dead, I have returned with more philosophical adventures! Now that I've recovered from my MA thesis I should be able to put new strips up pretty regularly, as well as adding all the old cartoons which I've been saying I'd finish properly for years!

Here's an old one, a bit of character development.


Wednesday, 8 July 2009

The Excluded Middle


(if it's not very good quality that's because i've been experimenting with new pens, that aren't very good.)

Friday, 8 May 2009

Apologies for the long absence, i've been busy doing essays. It's with great pleasure I return to these pages, with two more cartoons for your philosophical pleasure

Please feel free to leave me a comment and let me know what you think.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009


it's not much of a montage admittedly. But still, there's Marty H's face, and two badly drawn eyebrows, which were the reason this charming multi media piece didn't make it into my first little book thing...

2 new characters...

Here are two brief (and maybe a bit blurry) sketches of upcoming characters. I'm sure you know the fellow on the left. The cheeky chappy on the right is Dasein.

First Being and Tim sketch EVER

This faded greying manuscript was found in my sketch book. You can see how much my style has progressed since those heady second year days!!!
Although there's no date, I can see that I must have had a lecture on Monday and Friday in one of the Arts blocks. I think that was my Kant seminar.

Some sketches

<------Being with a big B

some of these will become better cartoons. Others are, let's face it, not worth it.

Monday, 6 April 2009

The Unbearable Lightness of Being

Hello, while I'm working on more Being & Tim, I've added two of my old favourites down at the bottom- The Heaviest Weight, from Thus Spoke Zarasthustra, and Solipsist Society...I hope you like them...!

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Being & Nothingness

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Being & Tim!

Here you'll find the philosophical adventures of one boy and his ontological friend. Just click on the thumbnail to see the first one....

Stay tuned for: Super
Kant! Phenomena! Noumena! Puns!

Praise for Being & Tim:
''Like Calvin & Hobbes but more pretentious''

Jimmy McGee

''Like Heidegger but less pretentious''
Calvin & Hobbes

''You'll be hearing from my lawyers''
Martin Heidegger