
Friday, 6 November 2009

Notorious B.E.I.N.G

Super Kant!

I kept meaning to re-do this cartoon, so it looked more dc/marvel/film noir- i think if kant had been a super-hero he would have taken the same serious attitude to it as he did to everything else: but hopefully the point comes across anyway! New episodes of Super Kant are on the drawing board, including the feature length motion picture, 'The Return of the Repressed!' beccax

Howling from the Vaults

Just when you thought Being and Tim was dead, I have returned with more philosophical adventures! Now that I've recovered from my MA thesis I should be able to put new strips up pretty regularly, as well as adding all the old cartoons which I've been saying I'd finish properly for years!

Here's an old one, a bit of character development.
