
Thursday, 26 August 2010

The Return of the Fat Pink Duke (BEING not me...!)

Hej hej and hello folks!

I got back from Sweden & Dragonfly festival yesterday morning at about 6am, but thought I'd wait until after a long sleep to update the blog! (Didn't want to drool on the keyboard for one thing!)

The festival was great, set in a forest near Falköping, what I didn't realise was that the forest is home to a reconstruction of a pre-historic village! So Being & Tim were exhibited, and I was sleeping in, an actual hut. (Although I like to think of it more as a hobbit hole.)

Outside the hobbit hole!
Inside the hut (Being & Tim on your right!)

Oh, before I go rabbiting on, here's the actual cartoon for today. Being-not-at-home. It's a Heideggerean term (again) about feeling das unheimlich: out of place in the world (literally 'not-at-home'). Part of Dasein's authenticity is its ability to recognise its displacement from the objective world, its own particularity and individuality...I'm sure a Heideggerean could explain better than that. Actually, does Heidegger actually use that word or am I getting him confused with Freud? Gosh I really should read Being & Time...

Anyway, Being's using the term to try and avoid Heidegger. What larks!

Part of the point of not posting while I was away was to catch up with some new cartoons. Unfortunately Ryanair's baggage policy (one lunchbox each) made it impossible to take my big sketchbook so I spent a lot of time just doodling really, plus being inspired by one of my fellow artists at the festivals, the lovely Emma. You can see her work at, it really is amazing. It's inspired me to start drawing things again, (I put a picture of my hands here for comedy value!), plus we talked about doing some illustrations together of Thus Spoke Zarasthustra. It's a pretty Romantic book (well I'd say it was satirical more than Romantic, but let's not split hairs right now) but the point is that all the references to dancing stars and tightrope walkers and hurdy gurdy songs would lend itself well to illustration. Y'know, spreading the word through imagery, like stained-glass windows! haha. Anyway, I'm going to try and put some more sketches up on here, to develop my style abit. But tell me if you just want more Being & Tim!  (I don't really know the etiquette of blogs, can I change subjects a bit? Is that a betrayal?!)

Anyway, here are some more photos, in case you're interested. You can also see an animation I made at the festival on my youtube account. It's about my bandmates Jimmy & El, who in many ways are similar to Being & Tim!

A proper fairy tale mushroom (there's a pixie under there if you look hard enough)
Anyway, I'll update tomorrow, just to make up for the lack of posts over the holiday. (I'll also forgive you for not voting on my poll. haha)

becca xo

another hut
susanna gets her prehistoric skills on, cooking on an open fire!
a viking boat at the Gothenburg City Museum

Susanna & Sara dancing in the Main Tent at Dragonfly

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