At the risk of being mocked by neo-Marxists I have finally drawn what all students are secretly thinking when they encounter Frankfurt theorist Georg Lukacs (pronouced Gay-Org Loo-catch). It's not big, and it's not clever, but it's mildly my brain at least. I have yet to read The Theory of the Novel but I suspect it would be a good read, after all, Lukacs makes some pretty famous comments about Adorno which I suspect might be quite perceptive. You can see a ''hilarious pictoral representation'' about these comments here.
See you later xx
:) "When You wish upon a StarWars... like dreamers do..."
ReplyDeleteAs Star Wars now seems to end up in an endless(?) capitalistic tragedy (Disneypocalypse!)... I had to perform a GoogleSearch on "George Lucas vs. Georg Lukacs" ;)
And I'd like to recommend:::
(not only to "neo-marxists") :::
"God in Pain"
Inversions of Apocalypse
... starts out with a reference to Lukacs:::
The Mystagogy of Revolution (Gunjević)
>> Lenin was convinced that the transport workers needed to be told what to think and what to do if they were to serve as an authentic proletariat for the benefit of the Revolution. It was necessary to place the philosophy of revolution in the service of a proletariat that did not understand it. This can be readily demonstrated by the most tragic moment of the Russian Revolution, the Kronstadt uprising, about which Lenin rants later in the same speech. The crushing of the uprising was nothing more than a party crackdown on those to be eliminated at all costs—those who thought differently from Lenin himself. Here Georg Lukács is surely right when he says that whatever point the theoreticians of revolutionary discourse arrive at using their intellectual powers and spiritual labor, the proletarian will already be there thanks to the fact that he is a member of the proletariat—assuming, of course, that he remembers his true class membership and all the consequences arising therefrom.
In other words, Lukács is alerting us to the ontological superiority of the proletariat over the intellectuals, who remain at the ontic level of revolution, although one might have the opposite impression. Those workers who participate directly from start to finish in the process of production—with the help of genuine companionship, and living, as Lukács says, in a “spiritual community”— are the only ones able to fulfill the mission of mobilizing revolutionary forces in a process unmarred by intrigue,social climbing, or bureaucracy. They recognize and push aside the opportunists and scoundrels and encourage the waverers.3 In his speech explaining to the transport workers what they ought to be thinking and doing, Lenin does quite the opposite. <<
(p. 11)" target=_blank -> GOD IN PAIN (PDF)
Great talk with Žižek here:
The idea of an ontological/ontic split between proletariat and intellectuals is mind-blowing!
! beware of the :Dark :Side, young ;Padawan...
"Orthodox Marxism, therefore, does not imply the uncritical acceptance of the results of Marx’s investigations. It is not the ‘belief’ in this or that thesis, nor the exegesis of a ‘sacred’ book. On the contrary, orthodoxy refers exclusively to method. It is the scientific conviction that dialectical materialism is the road to truth and that its methods can be developed, expanded and deepened only along the lines laid down by its founders.
For this reason the task of orthodox Marxism, its victory over Revisionism and Utopianism can never mean the defeat, once and for all, of false tendencies. It is an ever-renewed struggle against the inSIDIOUS effects of bourgeois ideology on the thought of the proletariat. Marxist orthodoxy is no guardian of traditions, it is the eternally vigilant prophet proclaiming the relation between the tasks of the immediate present and the totality of the historical process." <<
Did you go through the whole book looking for Sith words?! There's surely some sort of code there! ;-)